Sunday, April 19, 2009

Choose Breakfast!!

Choose Breakfast is another campaign started by General Mills that is full of advertisements telling kids to eat breakfast and the importance of not skipping it. The advertisements are kid friendly and never show General Mills brand or any of their products in the commercials.

Also the first page has a section to take a quiz about the importance of breakfast that is definitely directed at kids. It's very interactive and sort of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" style. The answers are very obvious and each comes with a little fact about why breakfast is so important after you receive the answer.

At the end of the quiz their is a section that is called "Take the Pledge". It is basically a little pledge that is supposed to be filled out and put on the fridge that says you will eat breakfast everyday because you know how important it is. This is supposed to be read with a parent so that it can be enforced and a sort of reminder to keep it going!

This initiative is another great example of how General Mills is positively effecting the lives of kids by making them think it's cool and important to eat breakfast. No other company would ever start this same type of advertisements without their brand name all over the commercials and ads. On the website for the product General Mills is only mentioned at the very bottom of the page in small letters under the legal and privacy sections which no one even reads.

Their point is not to advertise themselves and help them beat their competitors, if it was the approach would have been completely different. But instead they help support my case by showing how ethical and moral they really are.


  1. It is nice to see a company not having their name on every piece of advertisement real estate possible. I think that this campaign launched by General Mills is great! Not many companies would take such a giant leap into helping kids with their health and education on what to eat. Breakfast is a very important meal in your diet and I am still astonished when I find out that some college students still don’t eat breakfast. I personally have never seen this campaign until now but I am very supportive of what General Mills is trying to do now. This campaign has very good intentions and I am happy to see some company get involved in a child’s health other than fast food companies. You are correct in saying that General Mills has great ethics and morals. You don’t see companies do things like this. Great research and very interesting topic! The Box Tops for Education brings back good elementary school memories…

  2. I think it is a very good advertisement ploy for them to be involved with their targeted consumers. When I was younger I remember always wanting to do the crosswords on the back of the box and always trying to do the word searches. This is a very interesting topic and it is, like Jeff said, good to see a company get involved with the childrens health. Not many companies care about anything but themselves anymore, and its good to see that one is not like all the rest. I did not know much about your company before these blogs and I think that your blogs show a lot of insight into your company. Your doing a great job, keep up the good work!
