Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Corporate Social Responsibility

This website is the Corporate Social Responsibility publication for General Mills for this year. It talks about what that means to them and how they are achieving their ethical goals each year. This year it stated that:

“In keeping with the company’s 2007 pledge to not advertise foods containing more than 12 grams of sugar per serving on programming targeted to children, all of our Big G kids’ cereals now meet that requirement”

That is just one of the great ways they have decided to be as ethical as possible and really shows them moving in the right direction.

“Our mission is Nourishing Lives – to help make lives healthier, easier and richer. That mission expresses not only what we do, but why we do it”

That is the type of mission that shows that the company actually cares for its consumers. They are unconcerned with beating their competitors and making high profits because they know that if they meet those standards where they are enriching the customer’s life, they will become loyal.

General Mills has been around for over 100 years and has over 100 different brands. That is such a huge amount to keep up with. But from their publication it is easy to see why they make the list of most ethical companies every year.

This source is really great because it has all sorts of nice facts about what my company is doing. Along with the ones listed above, more than 500 of their products serving sizes are under 100 calories, discusses its great promotions such as Que Rica Vida, and its Box Tops initiative.

As if that wasn’t all great enough to hear, the publication also has sections on the environment, philanthropy, and cancer research. It is easy to see from this that General Mills really has their head in the right place and works hard to not only please their company but everyone worldwide. This is just another great source that will help with proving how amazing they are!

1 comment:

  1. This seems like a great source with a lot of good information. To think that a company actually cares enough about its customers to only advertise foods that are healthy enough is almost unbelievable. I always knew about General Mill’s Box Tops program, but I had no idea how involved they got in other areas. The fact that the company has been around for 100 years also says a lot about it. Whether it is just good management or good products it does not matter customers continue to come back and that is a very good thing for any company. I am for the most part a big calorie counter so to know that General Mills has 500 products with serving sizes less than 100 calories is huge. I would also be interested to know what they do to help the environment since that is such a hot topic lately.
