Thursday, May 7, 2009

General Mills takes Care of their Computer Nerds!

“The Minneapolis-based General Mills Inc., which is known for popular brands such as Yoplait and Wheaties, keeps finding new ways to reward its IT workers.”

I’ve always thought through my research that General Mills would most likely be a great place to work when they seem to have such great business ethics along with cares for their consumers. In June of last year “Computerworld” a magazine based for IT workers posted a list of 100 greatest companies to work for, and what do you know! General Mills was on the list!

This would seem surprising since IT workers aren’t exactly the people who would come first in your mind when thinking about General Mills workers. But, after analyzing their website over this semester I think that it makes sense for them to have such a high class IT department.
Their website it extremely easy to navigate with hardly any errors and updated very frequently. For a food company they really see the importance in having up to date information on their webpage so that in case their customers care, they can know as much about what they are eating as possible.

The fact that General Mills is a great place of IT workers says a lot to me that General Mills genuinely cares for everyone under their umbrella of a company and wants all employees to have great benefits and good incentives to stay with them.

This will help in my argument by showing that not only does General Mills look out for their consumers, but also those of all of their employees. Employee treatment is a big deal in today’s society and I’m proud to be able to say that mine has made almost every list published for most ethical, and best companies to work for.
Yay General Mills!

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